Thursday, March 31, 2016

Post Baby Struggles Yo'

People! Or person. Since I am pretty sure there is only one person who reads this like every few months haha. Person or internet crawler or whatever you are, I love you! And I've got some posts comin' up for you too. Be Fit Baby Mama needs some exercise and she's gonna get it!

But on the real (my lil bro taught me that phrase), the post baby struggle is REAL. I am going to start posting more, so keep up on checking back!

Working out has been HARD. It still hasn't gotten easier to find time or energy or strength to do it, in fact it has become harder since baby number 1. I used to be able to take her running with me, hold her while working out, have my hubs watch her while I work out etc. But now, I can't hold all three. No kids are in school yet so it is MOM TIME all the time, if you know what I mean. Sometimes(more like some weeks) I find myself thinking, "maybe I'll just let myself go. I can't keep up with my body. I will have more time when the kids are at school" Then I go running.

Let me start off with this. If you EVER feel like giving in to being okay with how are you right now (when you really aren't), go running. When you are on the verge of being done with trying to be active, go for a run. You will want to barf, you will want to die, you will regret all the Little Debbie's or toast's you ate with jam the previous night. You will remember how out of shape you really are, and you will remember how bad you don't want to feel that way from running a half of a mile. It helps you get back up on the horse and into the right state of mind. YOU CAN DO BETTER. YOU CAN DO IT. Even if, for now, it is only fifteen minutes a day or every three days or sometimes, every two weeks or even a month. Just keep nagging yourself about it. You have to do it for you.

Now, "I will have more time when the kids are at school." LIE. The time is now. As you can look back at your life, have you gotten more or less stressed? More or less busy? More. Time brings more of everything, and definitely less time or ability. Letting yourself go now will hurt SO much more down the road when you are trying to get back at it. The dizziness will get worse, the nausea will get worse, the negative thoughts will get worse, etc. Do it now, even if you think you are failing at it, because you're not. The fact you are even thinking about getting those flab dab thighs(I'm referring to mine...) off of the couch or letting the baby cry for a few minutes is proof that you ARE doing it, and that you are a fighter, because you don't want to give up on yourself.

Last thought. It is not about your appearance, it is about how you feel and having strength. Our bodies have changed drastically after kid(s), I know mine has. It will only change more as time goes on. Workout to work yourself into the new and ever-evolving you, not the old pre-adolescent one.

I will be posting my FAV FIVE workouts I have been going to these past few months! Even if it has been just once or twice every few weeks.Stay tuned!