Thursday, July 16, 2015

Yoga-Free Awesome Online videos

YOGA. I have such a love and respect for it. Seriously. It is amazing! It gets into every muscle, every strength you have, every stretch, and even better is it gets into your soul and your mind and your heart and your breathing and your life. THAT is what makes yoga stand out among all other forms of exercise. Because yeah, the other workouts use your body and your mind. But in a totally different way. They don't connect them and they definitely don't create or breed the same thoughts and positivity that yoga does. And more than anything else, yoga teaches self-acceptance and love for where you are at every moment of life. Nothing beats that.

My love-love relationship with yoga started to develope while I was still in school and pregnant with my first girl. I was taking both yoga and pilates. I think I was doing yoga 3 days a week and pilates the other two days. That was the best thing about being pregnant and in school at the same time. I could take these awesome fitness classes and actually make it a part of my day. Fit pregnancy?SINCH. Not so much anymore. THATS WHY THESE VIDEOS ARE AWESOME!

I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend yoga to any pregnant woman no matter how far along or how early along and even to those who are having a few complications (except bed rest) because generally fitness helps improve everything healthwise. It helps so much! My back was killing when I first started the class and so I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do some of the poses, but everything can be modififed and simplified or you can always just go back into downward dog or child's pose. I still had back pain, but it helped immensely and I was in AWESOMEEEE shape with that first lovely babe! The flexibility and strengthening it encourages is perfect for a maternity body or a recovering body. Pretty much, yoga is just perfect, and you should seriously try it out. These videos have all different levels of difficulty. And just incase you have been misinformed, yoga can be hard! Not "can" be. Yoga is hard.  You are working the entire time, and if you are doing the poses correctly and mindfully you are going to feel it. So, don't give up if you realize it wasn't just a relaxing sit through and feel way better after kind of thing. Because that's not what yoga is about. Keep working at it, push yourself to just barely uncomfortable points, and you will begin to see a difference in so many aspects of your life. I don't only do yoga videos from this site, so you can definitely look elsewhere if you're not finding what you like. But, I'm guessing there is SOMETHING you'll like. Because there is a ton of stuff. Check it out and go do some yoga!!!
It kind of looks like you need to create a log-in with them but you don't. Just scroll down to access the videos and hit play. They are also available for purchase if you love them that darn much.;)

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