Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Health Challenge

Doughnut.Chocolate chip cookie.snickers.brownie.banana cream.
The list goes on. It's basically endless. I am wanting IT ALLLLL! Worse than with my last two pregnancies. About a year ago my sister-in-law introduced me to a health challenge and, though I didn't do too hot at it (people are crazy good at this kind of stuff!Remembering to wake up is hard enough for me and my girl yells it right in my ear), I loved how it helped me each day to do just a little bit better, and I always ended up doing at least a thing or two that I would have otherwise forgotten or just thrown to the back burner. Since then me and my mom and sisters did a holiday challenge that I altered a little bit to fit me better, and I just started a new challenge on Monday that I call my "Prego Challenge". There are a few things still left from the original challenge with my sister-in-law, and also quite a bit that I changed. Normally you do these with a group and you keep points, so at the given end date of the challenge you have winners. But, I am just going to do mine until the end of my pregnancy and having a brand new healthy baby and healthy me is prize enough for me to feel the desire to keep going with it. Let me just say, I waited until the end of my first trimester to start! There's no way I'd be able to even remotely think about this when I'm feeling sick. I will upload the pdf printable that I made up, and then realized I couldn't print multiples of because we are out of ink. So, I ended up just handwriting mine for the next couple of months, and you can see how I did that, because it's pretty :) Feel free to join me! Whether you are pregnant or not, it doesn't matter. Look at the tasks for each day, and change the ones you don't like to something you do like that you might be having a hard time doing. I'll explain each thing that I have on mine.
Yes, I know uncontent is not a word. But I make up words that make sense all of the time if I can't think of the real one at the time. Just thought I'd add this since that's where my challenge is. It's our front door. I'm that kind of person that needs things written and in front of me to stay optimistic and remember my goals. Corny????Probably, but I don't care because I love it ha ha.

Here's my hand-written challenge! You could easily do this if you happen to be out of ink too ;) I just cross out the letter of the day if I did the goal that day.
So, there is mine! I have the one for the month of July right behind that one. I will be going through October until my delivery! So, let me kind of explain this. There are twelve tasks or goals or whatever you want to call them. Mine are,
1. Minimum 7 hours of sleep per night.
2. Drink 48 oz. of water daily.
3. 3o minutes of exercise daily.
4. 2 servings of veggies.
5. 2 servings of fruit.
6. No soda or unhealthy drinks.
7. No fast food or unhealthy drinks.
8. No sweets.
9. No gossiping.
10. 10 minutes of scripture reading.
11. 1 physical compliment to myself.
12. 1 character compliment to myself.
Number one is so vital for me because even with 7 hours of sleep straight through, I'm lacking! When breast feeding, I don't count when I wake up to feed. Water...liquid of life! Of course it's on there. What a blessing we can drink that much, and have more at our disposal whenever we want it. Exercise has always been a top priority of mine, but after having kids it doesn't happen every day. But, I try to make it. If you don't like exercise, you can start out with 3 days a week or whatever you want. Fresh fruits and veggies and enough of them are things I think people easily forget about, and you think you eat plenty of it until you actually keep track of it. No soda or unhealthy drinks was on here from the original challenge and is pretty much a given point for me to make me feel good about myself. I pretty much only drink water, ever. But, I know a lot of people struggle with it! No sweets is definitely not a given. I lose that pretty much like every day because I have to at least eat some chocolate chips. Don't judge me! No gossiping is also a given for me since it's just not something I do on a regular base or on purpose, and also, I really have no one to gossip to or about except my girlies ha ;) But, when OTHER people are gossiping around me, it is always good to remember. The scripture reading is important to me, and if you are not religious you can read anything that you consider spiritually uplifting. The compliments to myself are needed during this time of my life! I feel and look like a mom, which I really can honestly say I NEVER wanted hahaha. But, I need to learn to love it. And having a mom character is AWESOME in the reality of things. My mom character beats out my prior character by leaps and bounds, even if it's not the funnest. Feel free to change whatever you want to what you need or can handle! This isn't anything intense, it is just to help you be a little bit healthier and a little bit happier each day, for an extended amount of time. I hope someone starts it! Let me know if you do, and then I won't feel alone in my chugging of one more glass of water and forcing myself to go to bed earlier than later ;)Printable PDF Health Challenge

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